Course Outline
Focus of Course
How do you answer your "calling to serve" without sacrificing yourself. Through life coaching techniques, you can use this course to uncover many of your emotional and/or mental blocks which keep you from "living in joy with self". Many of us want to change some outdated belief or release some stuck emotional energy, but lack a process to make that happen. This is a private self-study online course designed as a gateway to a "new way of being". Support will be provided as you move through study questions such as:
1) What "limiting beliefs" come out of your early conditioning?
2) What self-sabotaging behaviors still keep you stuck?
3) What is delaying your ability to consistently "live in joy”?
Text Book
This online course is based upon the course text book “ETA 2 Oneness: A Journey to Spiritual Awakening” written by Robin L. Johnson. This course is focused on the concept of "embrace your authentic emotionality" which is the gateway to healing your heart.
This online course is diagnostic in nature for the purpose of helping you become aware of limiting beliefs which are born from “expectations meeting with disappointment”. Through conscious effort, you can make changes to your belief system resulting in new behaviors. A shift in perspective and release of stuck emotional energy can help you create more joy in your life. Remember, you are the "hero of your own story", time to write a new chapter.
Course Structure
Each of the 8 principles is structured as follows:
1) Concept Discussion
2) Take a S.E.A.T. (Spiritual Emotional Awareness Tool)
3) Know Yourself (Belief Review Exercise)
4) Make a G.A.M.E. Plan (Goal, Actions, Measurements, Evaluation)
5) Homework
6) Reading
It is important to take your time through these lessons as you take notes on areas of importance for you. For best results, only cover one topic per week using most of the time to implement your G.A.M.E. Plan. The more effort you put in, the better the outcome.
Length: 8 weeks
Minimum Time Required: 5 hours per week
Coaching Support
For more support, join the "group coaching" sessions for insights and "ah-ha" moments. Also, there are office hours for quick questions about concepts or homework. Consider signing up for "individual coaching" sessions for an additional fee to go deeper into your own process.
Email Questions: [email protected]
This course is "not" intended to be used as a replacement for psychotherapy. If you believe undergoing this online program will result in emotional issues, it is best to seek professional care and support before continuing.