Harmony is the Name of the Game
Just like good musicians, people need to be in harmony with each other for the vibration to be enjoyable. But what happens if you have difficult people in your home or work environment that make harmony virtually impossible to achieve?
The answer taught in this online class probably runs contrary to your conditioning. Most of the time, what you dislike in others is a trait you also possess but deny. Time to reconcile it instead of just blaming others or trying to get them to change.
The surprising thing is that once you change yourself from the inside, those around you will either change or leave since you are no longer a vibrational match.
As you learn to anchor and center yourself, it becomes much easier to live in the joy of oneness with others.
Why Take This 4 Week Online Class?
Relationships That Don't Deplete Your Energy
Life Coaching the Gateway
This online self-study class about the "joy of oneness with others" provides 8 topics designed to provide you with a "gateway to harmony". Many people have strained relationships with others which deplete their energy so it is recommended you work through two (2) concepts per week. To move forward and recapture the power being loss through conflict, it is time to release the past conditioning and "shadow beliefs" which keeps you stuck. Time to update your belief system using coaching industry techniques developed over many years with psychological, spiritual, and life coaching concepts that have been tried and tested.
Anchor a New Way of Being
The saying is really true, "If you change your mind, you can change your life". Your past conditioning is the filter through which you see reality. The secret to our success is finding ways to release your resistance to "what is". There is a way of living life without memorizing a bunch of concepts that you have to constantly know when to use. The "new way of being" for decision-making is based upon intuitive or divine impulses which come from a healed heart. With our program, you can update your belief system in private with coaching support as needed.
Don't take my word for it. Test it and see the results for yourself.