Gateway to Harmony

The Key to Harmony is "Releasing False Beliefs"

Are you designing a life that you love, guided by your "Divine Self"? Or are you holding on to what "no longer serves you", guided by your "Ego Self"?

Harmony is the result of "spiritual awakening". Many are feeling pulled to make the shift in the "driver of behavior" from "Ego Self" to "Divine Self".

What interferes with this shift is the false beliefs built into the "default programming" established in childhood. This programming is often responsible for your self-sabotaging behaviors as well as conflict with others.

Through emotional release work, the bonds of false beliefs can be loosened allowing you to create new neural pathways in the brain resulting in living life with more joy and harmony.


Robin is a brilliant and fearless coach/teacher, full of wisdom and compassion. Being a life coach myself, I am so grateful for Robin’s coaching. She gave me the strength to manage contractors during a full home renovation while undergoing treatment for cancer. Robin has a lot to teach and share about oneness, the ego, forgiveness and managing emotions so they serve us on our journey through life.


 - Spring Lovelle, Singer/Songwriter/Musician